Brit Mollenhauer, MD

Brit Mollenhauer

Brit Mollenhauer is a neurologist with over 10 years clinical expertise in Parkinson’s disease and movement disorders.

She also has a degree in neurochemistry. After her studies in neuroscience at Harvard Medical School, Cambridge, USA she became head of translational research at the Paracelsus-Elena Klinik (PEKK), which is the largest hospital for movement disorders in Germany with 120 beds and more than 3000 patients per year.

Dr.Brit Mollenhauer has developed a study center for clinical trials and translational research with close collaborations with the Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research; the clinic is one of the 7 European recruitment centers for the PPMI study.

The following 4 research products highlight our experience and qualifications as a Research Center of Excellence

Amprion Announces

Our flagship α-synuclein SAA, SYNTap®, is getting a makeover.

Effective September 9, 2024, SYNTap will be 

And stay tuned for the SAAmplify family of panels, coming soon!