MCI / AD Subtypes

A man performing Alzheimer's disease research

SAAmplify™-ɑSYN Test Capabilities

This biomarker test can detect α-synuclein with 87% sensitivity, 97% specificity, and 93.9% accuracy.

Specification Sheet

SAAmplify-ɑSYN Spec Sheet - Disease Lead

Identifying Lewy body pathology at the MCI stage allows for a more personalized approach to disease management.

Ongoing studies indicate the need for early diagnosis and better definition of AD sub-types.

“Our results support a role for α-synuclein even in MCI, the early phase of AD, in addition to being a potential contributor in MCI and AD diagnosis or monitoring of disease progression.” (Ref.6)

Relevant Research Findings

In a recently published article in Neurology Rossi et al found the following

“RT-QuIC (a research version of SAA) “identified patients with MCI-LB against cognitively unimpaired controls with 95% sensitivity, 97% specificity, and 96% accuracy and showed 98% specificity in neuropathologic controls.” (Ref.11)

Download the SAAmplify-ɑSYN Test Specification Sheet for details.

Amprion Announces

Our flagship α-synuclein SAA, SYNTap®, is getting a makeover.

Effective September 9, 2024, SYNTap will be 

And stay tuned for the SAAmplify family of panels, coming soon!